Thursday, 30 April 2015


Taarifa “INAYOSOMEKA HAPA” ilitolea ufafanuzi wa Nchi ya India inavyo pambana ili kuweza kufikia malengo katika kuboresha usalama mitandao hasa katika wizi unaofanywa kupitia ATM. Na baada ya kupata kutolea ufafanuzi muswada wa sharia mtandao, taarifa “INAYOSOMEKA HAPA”  Ilifafanua yamuhimu kuzingatia ili sheria hiyo iweze kupelekea kufikiwa kwa malengo kusudiwa ya kupata Tanzania salama kimtandao na kupunguza wimbi la makosa mtandao nchini.

Baada ya hayo nilipata kuhudhuria mikutano kadhaa katika nchi mbali mbali ambapo nilifanikiwa situ kuwasilisha mada kwa wataalam wengine wa maswala ya usalama mitandao bali pia kujifunza mengi kutoka kwao katika maswala mbali mbali ya msingi ya kufanyiwa kazi ili kuweza kuboresha usalama mitandao situ katika ngazi ya kitaifa bali na kibara pamoja na  Dunia kwa ujumla.

Makubwa matatu ambayo nimeona niyazungumzie leo ni pamoja na kuhakiki kuna njia madhubuti na zenye mpango stahiki za kukuza ulewa kwa watumiaji mitandao jinsi ya kujilinda na kulinda wengine watumiapo mitandao, Kuhakikisha Taifa linakua na mikakati endelevu ya kutengeneza na kuongeza uwezo wataalam wa maswala ya usalama mitandao pamoja na kupatikana na ufumbuzi wa kudumu wa kukabiliana na wimbi la wizi wa fedha kupitia mashine za ATM.

Nilipokua Nchi KENYA nilipata kuwasilisha mada mbali mbali pamoja na kuwa na mazungumzo na washiriki mbali mbali nchini humo kuhusiana na nini kinacho kwamisha kufikiwa kwa malengo ya program zinazofanywa zenye malengo ya kukuza uelewa wa matumizi salama ya kimtandao.

Katika hili – Nimeona tatizo kubwa ni kuwa na udhaifu mkubwa katika maandalizi na ufahamu wa namna ya kuwasilisha program zenye malengo ya kukuza uelewa wa matumizi salama wa mitandao. Ili kujua hili kuna taarifa “INAYOSOMEKA HAPA”  itakayoweza kutoa yakuzingatia wakati wa kuandaa program za kukuza uelewa wa matumizi salama ya mitandao “Awareness program”.

Friday, 10 April 2015


OUR life today depends on information technology (infotech). From communication, transport, finance and banking, to energy and education, the importance of infotech cannot be overemphasized.

However, as we become more reliant on infotech, which of course simplifies our life, we also put ourselves vulnerable to cyber-attacks. These may expose very sensitive personal and business information, disrupt critical operations and inflict high costs on individuals, organisations and even the entire country.

Recently, the government tabled the Cybercrime Act 2015 Bill which focused on protecting Tanzanians against cybercrime. The main objectives were to protect sensitive infrastructures, reduce vulnerability and minimise the damage that cyber-attacks may cause.

In essence, this is a milestone for our country, in as far as the responsibility of modern government is concerned, that is, protecting its citizens and their properties. The problem of not having a regulatory and legal framework is a big challenge to most developing countries.

Looking back in 2000, there was a serious cybercrime case in the Philippines which was filed on 29th June 2000 against a college student, Onel de Guzman who was a love bug creator. This student created a bug named “ILOVEYOU” which was released in May and was reproduced over e-mail systems.

It crippled many of the world’s computer networks, causing an estimated US $8 billion damage throughout affected countries. The damage stemmed from lowering the cooperate productivity through workers’ downtime, loss of business, and buying new antivirus for most of the organisations attacked by this virus.

Despite the damage caused by the virus, the charges were dropped due to a number of reasons. First and foremost was that by then, the Philippines had no specific Cybercrime law. Also there was no regulatory framework that could allow collaboration with other affected organisations in other countries.

Thus, there was no way the suspect could have been charged in another country. Tanzania’s Cybercrime Act 2015 Bill allows collaboration with other countries in fighting cybercrime. In this aspect, the laws are harmonised and can be applied to different countries.

That is a step forward which deserves commendation. But having the law in place is not enough. There are some important key issues that the nation should address if war on cybercrime is to be won. Top on the list should be awareness programmes.

Thursday, 9 April 2015


Mkutano wa “Connect East Africa” uliofanyika Diani Nchini Kenya umekamilika huku ukibaini yakua Uchumi wanchi za Afrika mashariki umeathiriwa sana na uhalifu mtandao kiasi ambacho mambo matano ya juu yanayo athiri uchumi wa nchi za afrika mashariki ni pamoja na Uhalifu mtandao.

Akitolea Ufafanuzi kauli hiyo Meneja wa PwC bwana. John Kamau alieleza uhalifu mtandao umeendelea kutengeneza vichwa vya habari nabado utaendelea kufanya hivyo kwa muda. Na kwa sasa tayari uhalifu huu umeingia katika mambo makubwa matano yanayo zorotesha ukuaji wa uchumi katika nchi za Afrika Mashariki.

Aliongeza kwa kusema kwa mujibu wa takwimu asilimia 93 ya watu wameonyesha uhalifu mtandao ni moja ya vitu vinavyo takiwa sana kufahamika vizuri huku asilimia 7 ya watu wakionyesha kutojali. Wahalifu mtandao wameendelea kuwa na njia madhubuti na uwezo wa juu kufanikisha uhalifu huu.

Cha kutisha zaidi kwa sasa wahalifu mtandao wameendelea kuunganisha nguvu kwa kuvuka mipaka na kupelekea wahalifu mtandao kutoka katika mataifa mbali mbali kuungana ili kufanikisha uhalifu huu. Huku wanausalama mitandao wakiangaza tu wahalifu mtandao wanaopatikana katika nchi moja moja pekee.

Bwana kamau Alitolea ufafanuzi na kusema uhalifu mtandao umekua ukiathiri zaidi makampuni ya biashara huku wahalifu wakipatikana kutoka maeneo (Makampuni) husika ya biashara. Hii inatufundisha kua Jukumu la Kujilinda dhidi ya uhalifu mtandao lazima lianzie katika ngazi binafsi.

Hivyo – Mtu mmoja mmoja na Kampuni zinapaswa kujipanga na kujiweka tayari dhidi ya uhalifu huu mtandao ikiwa ni pamoja na kuhakiki mikakati madhubuti imewekwa tayari kwa kujilinda na kubaini kwa haraka pale uhalifu mtandao unapojitokeza. Hili linaweza kufanikishwa kwa makampuni na watu binafsi kujenga tamaduni ya kujitazama mara kwa mara ili kuweza kujua hali halisi ya usalama kimtandao.

Tanzania Imepiga hatua sasa kwa kuazisha muswada utakao weza kufanikisha udhibiti wa uhalifu mtandao kuingia katika sura mpya – Hii ni kutokana na muswada wa sharia mtandao uliyoweza kujadiliwa bungeni hivi karibuni. Hivyo ni jukumu la serikali kuhakikisha yanayoambatana na muswada huo ili kuweza kufanya kazi yake ipasavyo yanaangaziwa. Mambo hayo yanaweza kupatikana katika andiko linaloweza kusomeka " KWA KUBOFYA HAPA" 

Thursday, 2 April 2015


Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today said that the Centre is working on formulating a new law under IT Act, on the lines of section 66 (A) that was struck down recently by the Supreme Court.

Fadnavis was replying to Shiv Sena MLC Neelam Gorhe, who asked whether the state will frame a new law in place of Section 66 (A) that would compensate for the repercussions on the Supreme Court order.

"Under the previous law, an accused could be put behind bars if he made objectionable comments on somebody. After this law was struck down, these miscreants will now get teeth to continue doing this. Will the state government formulate a law in line with the previous law?" Gorhe asked.

Fadnavis said that there is no need for the state government to frame a new law as the Central government is already working on it.

"The Centre is working on formulating a new law on the lines of Section 66 (A) that was struck down by the SC. There was no conviction in the previous law and thus a law is being formulated that will be strong and which will result in convictions," the chief minister said.

While there were 937 registered cases under the IT Act in 2013, the number rose to 2,696 in 2014, he said.

Replying to a question by Hemant Takle (NCP), who pointed out that merely training 1,000 policemen will not help and that all police stations should be trained in handling cases of cyber crime, Fadnavis said that his suggestion will be considered.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Awali ya yote nirudie kutoa pongezi kwa serikali kwa hatua hii muhimu waliyofikia ya kuwasilisha mswada wa sheria mtandao ambao naimani kubwa itakua na majibu mazuri ya kudhibiti na kuhimili vishindo vya uhalifu mtandao nchini. Naomba itambulike Tanznaia si ya kwanza kuwa na sheria za usalama mitandao na ukweli ni kwamba tumechelewa kwa kiasi Fulani. Nchi nyingi tayari zinasheria za usalama mitandao na zimeendelea kuboreshwa kadri teknolojia inavyo endelea kukua na kubadilika.

Nitaanza na mifano michache kunasheria mitandao zilizopendekeza kifungo cha maisha kwa wahalifu mtandao nchini Uingereza. Na katika Kikao cha usalama mitandao kilichopita mshiriki aliyekua nami meza kuu katika kuongoza moja ya kikao aliyetokea “US Secret service” alipata kuainisha adhabu ya miaka kumi na sita bado imeonekana ni ndogo na inashauriwa kuongezwa makali.

Aidha, Nieleze ushauri wa kuhakiki sheria mitandao zinaboreshwa na kuwa kali zaidi ni kutokana na athari ya uhalifu mtandao kua kubwa sana na imekua ikimgusa kila mmoja wetu – Kwan nje ya nchi kila siku tumekua tukipata habari mpya ya matukio ya kiuhalifu mtandao ambapo maelfu wamekua wakipoteza maisha, fedha na pia ufaragha wao umekua ukitumiwa vibaya na wahalifu mtandao.

Tanzania pia hatuko salama – Nimekua nikipata malalamiko mengi ya watu kudukuliwa faragha zao, kuibiwa fedha nyingi sana na wengine kufikia hata kujitoa maisha kwa kudalilisha mitandaoni.

Hayo yote yamekua yakisukuma wataalam usalama mitandao kuumiza vichwa kuhakiki wanakuja na mwarubaini wa uhalifu huu mtandao unaozidi kuota mbawa kila kukicha. Hapo ndipo mengi yakawekwa sawa katika kukabiliana na hali hii ikiwa ni pamoja na kukuza uelewa kwa watumiaji mtandao (Matumizi salama ya mitandao), Kuzalisha na kuongezea uwezo kwa wataalam wa usalama mitandao, kuwa na sharia stahiki za uhalifu mitandao, kukuza ushirikiano kutokana na uhalifu huu kutokua na mipaka, kuhimiza kupatikana kwa takwimu sahihi za uhalifu mitandao ili kuweza kutambua maeneo athirika zaidi.

Kwenye hili la Sheria ni hatua nzuri sana ambapo Tanzania imefikia ili kuweza kurahisisha mapambano dhidi ya uhalifu mtandao nchini na kuhakiki taifa linabaki salama kimtandao. Naimani Kila mmoja wetu ukizingatia wote ni wahanga kwa namna moja au nyingine ya uhalifu mtandao lazima tufurahie na kulipokea hili kwa mikono miwili. Wataalam wa usalama mitandao wamefurahishwa sana na hatua hii yetu na pongezi ni nyingi sana hadi sasa.

Kuondoa hofu Watanzania naomba nieleze kwamba katika kuandaa muswada huu wataalam na wadau mbali mbali walishirikishwa na badae kuvuka mipaka kwa wataalam kutoka mataifa mbali mbali katika maswala haya ya usalama mitandao kutoa maoni yao na kuboresha – Haikukomea hapo imepitia hatua kadhaa na hata kupelekea kauli yangu niliyo itoa katika moja ya vikao vya wataalam wa usalama mitandao kueleza kuwa “ Hatua za kitaalam zimekwisha sasa ipo kwenye hatua za kisiasa kuweza kupatiwa Baraka kabla ya kuwasilishwa bungeni” – Kauli ambayo wataalam
waliona taifa letu linachelewa sana kwani sharia zilikua hazina shaka na hata kupitiwa kwakwe kulipaswa kua kwa muda mfupi.

Nimepata kufatilia kwa karibu kinachozungumzwa na wengi, Hofu kubwa nilizo ziona ambazo nimeona nizitole ufafanuzi ni kama ifuatavyo: -


To start with, this year I showed my concern on cyber crime as far as the social media is concerned, pointing out the loop holes the cyber criminals have in the up coming general election, the referendum, criminals groups and other issues which are sensitive as far as the national security is concerned. Moreover there has been great fear from the organisation to individuals on the safety and security of their financial transactions through credit card, mobile money and other online transactions. Reported and unreported criminals acts relating to stalking, use of abusive language, pornography for children, and other cyber crimes has been a World threat and Tanzania in particular in this information and technology age.

Organised cybercrimes in the UK has been proposed Life in prison “SEE THE ATTACHED STORY HERE” this example showed that the concern is extremely higher across all nations and Tanzania to finally tabled cyber law bill for discussion has brought hope for the very promising and bright future on securing its cyberspace.
 I would like to write my opinion about the up coming bill, try to address the fear which is among the information technology users and finally advice the Government on the next step in her initiative in securing our cyber space ageist the cyber criminals whose number has been increasing day after day.

In a simple language that can be understood by anyone, the cyber crime is the use of information technology to carry out criminals acts. The crime committed online is different from that which is committed offline, if offline criminal steal your book the possession shift from you to the criminal, but if a criminal copy your book from your computer you will have your book and criminal will have the same book!.Another example, if you want to insult a Member of Parliament or any one offline you need to appear physically and insult him, but through online anonymity you can do that without being known. Through your computer at home connected to the internet you can access bank account and steal money, you can interfere the TV programs, you can destruct the critical infrastructure and cause serious problems. 

Following the cyber crime bill which is to be tabled in the parliament on 1st April 2015 there has been much discussion in different forum about the bill that it will infringe the internet freedom and democracy. I happened to read the bill and read some opinions from different people in the social media, I will give my opinion based on what I have read by explain in the simple language the content of the bill and what is entailed in this bill.

To start with, most of provisions in this bill teaches and shape us on how to better use the information technology in a constructive way, give room for international collaboration with other countries in combating cyber crime and trying to fill the gapes and loopholes for cyber criminals. This bill has touched most of the cyber crimes the country has experience and those which are new in Tanzania. The criminals acts like; Illegal Access, Illegal remaining, Illegal interception, Illegal data interference, Data espionage, Illegal system interference, Illegal device, Computer-related forgery, Computer-related fraud, Child pornography, Pornography, Identity related crimes, Publication of false information, Racist and xenophobic material, Racist and xenophobic motivated insult, Genocide and crimes against humanity, Unsolicited messages, Disclosure of details of an investigation, Obstruction of investigation, Cyber bullying, Violation of intellectual property rights, Principal offenders, Attempt, Conspiracy to commit offence, Protection of critical information infrastructure, Offences relating to critical information infrastructure. All the above have been mentioned and given the required penalties from the proposed bill.

We can agree that the cyber crime rate in Tanzania have been increasing day by day, now we have an average of 999 reported cyber crimes. The fear on cyber crime has been high from the private to public institutions. Millions of money has been stolen from individual accounts in bank and in their mobile phones.Public, personal and Government confidential information have been accessed on line, no privacy, Social media has been used in a destructive way to penetrate hatred among different groups, cyber stalking and child pornography is also growing. The bill has addressed all these problems and it is my hope that the next step which is public awareness and training for stakeholders starting from enforcement agents will follow.