Wednesday, 28 December 2016


Mswada wa sheria mtandao nchini Thailand uliwekwa mezani kujadiliwa takriban wiki kadhaa zilizo pita. Muswada huo ambao ulikua ukingoja kupitishwa kua sheria umepelekea kelele nyingi Nchini humo ambapo wananchi wake walitaka ufanyiwe marekebisho kabla ya kua sheria huku wengine wakiukataa kabisa.

Wana usalama mtandao nchini humo walijaribu kutoa ufafanuzi ambao haukuzaa matunda na hatimae kutaka msaada kutoka kwa wanausalama mtandao wa maeneo mengine.

Wiki mbili zilizo pita wahalifu mtandao Nchini humo walitangaza kushambulia tovuti za serikali  ili kushinikiza mamlaka kufanyia kazi marekebisho ya sheria hizo za mtandao ambazo walidai hawakukubaliana nazo – Baadae walianza kushambulia tovuti mbali mbali na kusababisha mtafaruku mkubwa.

Tovuti ya polisi ya nchini humo (Royal Thai Police Office) ni miongoni mwa tovuti zilizo shambuliwa kimtandao ambapo ilidukuliwa na baadae kuangushwa kabisa. Kitu ambacho kilipelekea hasira kwa vyombo vya ulinzi na usalama vya nchi hiyo.

Monday, 19 December 2016


Endrew Tyries MP
The head of the Treasure select committee.
More action may be needed to protect the financial services industry from a devastating cyber-attack, the head of the Treasure select committee has suggested.

Andrew Tyrie MP wrote to Ciaran Martin, head of the new cybersecurity centre of UK surveillance agency GCHQ, saying the lines of responsibility and accountability for reducing cyber-threats are opaque.

Tyrie’s letter to Martin, who is leading the Cheltenham-based National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), uses last month’s incident at Tesco Bank to illustrate the vulnerabilities of the financial system.

In November, the banking arm of supermarket chain Tesco admitted that £2.5m had been stolen from 9,000 accounts in an incident which raised fresh concerns about the methods used by financial services firms to detect cyber-attacks.

Two-thirds of all major UK companies – not just financial services firms – have reported security breaches in the last year. The Bank of England has also listed the threat of cyber-attacks as one of the major risks facing the financial services industry.

Ciaran Martin
The head of GCHQ’s new cybersecurity arm
In his letter Tyrie, a Conservative MP, outlines the responsibility for cyber-threats as being shared between the Bank’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), the Financial Conduct Authority and GCHQ. In turn, the regulatory arms are responsible to the Treasury, while GCHQ reports through the foreign secretary.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016


Kampuni Maarufu ya KAGOYA ya Nchini Japan Imeshambuliwa kimtandao ambapo taarifa binafsi na za kibenki za wateja wake zimedukuliwa.

Uhalifu huu umegundulika mwezi huu (Desemba, 2016) na tayari kampuni husika imesha toa taarifa kwenye vyombo vya usalama vya Nchini humo - Ambavyo pia vimeanza uchunguzi rasmi jana.

Kampuni hiyo imesema, Wateja wake waliotumia "Credit card " zao baina ya Aprili Mosi , 2015 hadi september 21, 2016 wameathiriwa na uhalifu huu na imewaasa wateja wake wafatilie taarifa za utoaji pesa wa kadi zao.

Taarifa binafsi takriban Elfu 50 pamoja na taarifa za kibenki takriban Elfu 21 zimeathirika katika shambulio hili la kimtandao.

Mjumuiko wa taarifa zilizo ibiwa ni, majina , barua pepe, Namba za simu, Namba za kadi za benki, maneno ya siri (Nywila) pamoja na taarifa nyingine za wateja wake.

Hii si mara ya kwanza kwa Nchi ya JAPANI kupata shambulio kubwa la kimtandao kwa mwaka huu (2016) pekee - Itakumbukwa, Mwezi May mwaka huu (2016) zaidi ya Yuan Bil. 1.5 sawa na Dola Milioni 13 ziliibiwa katika ATM zaidi ya 1400 ndani ya masaa mawili na nusu.

Friday, 9 December 2016


It’s not only the frequency of the cyber attacks happening in Kenya at the moment, but also the size and sophistication of these assaults that government and business need to face up to.

The recent hacking of Kenya’s Government in November 2016 has highlighted the increasing attacks in the country and placed a spotlight on the vulnerabilities and losses both government and online businesses are facing -  about USD 146 M every year according to a recent cyber security report on Kenya.

This is in particular attributed to the fact that the country has shown a major increase in web-connected devices.

“Kenya and its surrounding countries has continuously attracted nefarious activities by cyber criminals, and the proliferation in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in the region is today as much a reality as it is globally,” says Bryan Hamman, territory manager for sub-Saharan Africa at Arbor Networks, the world’s leading provider of DDoS protection in the enterprise, carrier and mobile market segments, according to Infonetics Research.

According to Paul Roy Owino, president of Information Technology, Security and Assurance (ISACA), Kenya currently records up to 3,000 cyber-related crimes per month, these include banking fraud, money transfer (M-pesa), to interference with personal data by hackers.

Reports following the latest major government attack state that local cyber security experts in Kenya are warning of the need to regulate Internet use and management as a national security issue.

Mark Campbell, consulting engineer for sub-Saharan Africa, points out that it is especially Kenya’s growing financial, telecommunication and manufacturing sectors that are becoming popular targets for cybercrime.

Sunday, 4 December 2016


Nikitoa Neno la Shukran
Pembeni Ni - Abner Abaga
(ICT Director - Wizara ya ICT,Kenya)
Mwishoni mwa mwezi wa kumina moja (Novemba) mwaka huu (2016) Jijini Nairobi Nchini Kenya, Nilibahatika kuibuka mshindi wa tunzo ya mwanausalama mtandao bora wa mwaka (Cybersecurity Expert of the Year) – Ikiwa ni kutambua mchango wangu mkubwa katika mataifa mbali mbali barani Afrika kuhusiana na swala zima la usalama mtandao.

Mchango wangu haujakomea Barani Afika, Nimekua pia nikitoa Mchango katika mataifa mengine mengi nje ya Bara la Afrika. Kutokana na Tunzo niliyopokea, Imeniongezea nguvu na hari mpya ya kutumikia fani yangu vizuri kwa manufaa ili kuhakiki situ tunapata Bara salama bali dunia salama kimtandao.

Kwa mujibu wa BBC kama inavyo someka “HAPA” – Imeelezea mchango wangu kua chachu ya kufanya mataifa mengi barani na nje ya bara kua salama. Aidha, kufuatia mahojiano yango na BBC nilipo ulizwa juu ya safari yangu Nchi Afrika kusini kuzungumzia zaidi Uchunguzi wa makosa mtandao mabapo tovuti kadhaa zimekua ziki ripoti Moja wapo ikiwa ni ya ITWeb kama inavyo someka “HAPA” nilieleza ya kua ifikemahali kila mmoja ajiulize atadhuriwa kimtandao lini na si kujiuliza kama anaweza kudhuriwa kimtandao.

Kurudi na Kikombe cha Tunzo nyumbani na mapokezi yake kwenye vyombo mbali mbali vya Habari vimeniongezea faraja zaidi – Niliendelea kusisitiza juu ya kuhakiki swala la usalama mtandao halibaki kua la kundi flani la watu, Pia kila mmoja ana dhamana ya kuhakiki anajilinda binafi dhidi ya wahalifu mtandao.

Friday, 18 November 2016


Three Mobile, one of the UK's biggest phone companies, has reportedly suffered a hack on its computer systems that put the personal data of roughly six million of its customers at risk.

The information reportedly accessed by hackers included names, phone numbers, addresses and dates of birth, however officials from the popular telecommunications firm stressed it is not believed financial details such as banking or credit card numbers were stolen.

Sources close to the incident told The Telegraph that private data of "two thirds of the company's nine million customers" could now be vulnerable.

Three Mobile confirmed hackers were able to access its customer upgrade database using employee login credentials but declined to comment on the scale of the breach or if customer data was successfully stolen.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Unapo wadia mwisho wa mwaka wizi kupitia mtandao umekua ukishika kasi zaidi – Mataifa mengi duniani yamekua yakikumbwa na wimbi kubwa la uhalifu mtandao unao ambatana na upoteaji wa pesa. Itakumbukwa mwaka jana kuelekea mwisho wa mwaka ndio kirusi kipya aina ya ModPOS kilionekana kwa mara ya kwanza na kilifanikiwa kudhuru maeneo mengi na kusababisha kiasi kikubwa cha fedha kupotelea mikononi mwa wahalifu.

Mwezi huu wa kuminamoja pekee tayari kumekua na matukio mengi yenye mlengo wa kuwapatia pesa wahalifu mtandao. Kwa sasa Uhalifu mtandao kpitia kirusi cha RANSOMWARE kinachoendelea kushikakasi wamefanikiwa kupata mamilioni ya fedha. Kirusi hiki kinapelekea mhalifu mtandao kumfungia uwezo mmiliki halali kutumia kifaa chake akimtaka alipe kiasi cha pesa ili kurudishiwa huduma. Uhalifu huu umepiga hodi Barani Afrika na hadi sasa wengi wameendelea kua waathirika.

Mifumo ya hospitali, mashule na watu binafsi ni miongoni mwa waathirika wa kubwa wa uhalifu huu ambapo kila mfumo ulio fungiwa na kirusi cha Ransomware ili kufunguliwa kiasi cha dola Miatatu (300) na zaidi kimekua kiki hitajika. Kupitia matukio yaliyo ripotiwa duniani kote, takwimu halisi ya pesa zilizo ingia mikononi mwa wahalifu mtandao kwa mwezi huu wa kuminamoja pekee kutokana na Ransomware bado haija patikana ingawa ina kadiriwa kuzidi dola milioni 829.

Aidha, Mabenki nayo hayako salama – Idadi ya Mabenki yaliyo vamiwa kimtandao imeendelea kukua zaidi kuanzia mapema mwezi huu huku hali hii ikitegemewa kuendelea zaidi maeneo mengi. Tukio kubwa zaidi kwa sasa ni kutokea uingereza ambapo hadi sasa benki ya Tesco baada ya kushambuliwa kimtandao zaidi ya Paundi milioni mbili zimeweza kupotelea mikononi mwa wahalifu mtandao na benki hiyo imelazimika kuwalipa wateja wake.

Monday, 31 October 2016


Every October we celebrate Cyber Security Awareness Month by organising events aiming to raise awareness. This year, the fourth and final week of the Cyber Security Month was dedicated to Mobile Malware due to the fact that we increasingly depend on mobile devices and cybercriminals use this to their advantage, to get access to information and money, or to just do harm, while also developing a number of threats which are particularly designed to operate on mobile platforms.

  •          Countries organised events aiming to raise Cybersecurity awareness
  •          Over 140 million records were leaked
  •          Fighting back Cyber criminals bear fruits in some countries.
  •          Cybersecurity discussion was accommodated to many other events

A good number of events happened in October and Cybersecurity was among the key topic discussed during these events – I personally participated and took part in several events across Africa. I’ll discuss few among them as follows.

Future-Sat Africa in Ethiopia – among others we looked at the rapid growth of mobile usage and the fact that cybercrime is also rising faster here than anywhere else in the world. We strongly advised companies and countries to draw up their telecom threat map and devise appropriate response strategies. Categories of cybersecurity preparedness include legal, tech, organisation, capacity building, and cooperation.

Thursday, 20 October 2016


Takwimu za uhalifu mtandao zimeendelea kukua huku wana usalama mtandao wakiendelea kutafuta suluhu ya kudumu dhidi ya uhalifu mtandao maeneo mengi duniani. Hivi sasa tumefikia wakati wa kila tunavyotumia ku unganishwa kwenye mtandao (Internet of Things – IoT) ambapo Televisheni, Friji , Majiko, Magari na kadhalika vimekua vikiunganishwa mtandaoni ili kurahisisha maisha ya watumiaji.

Hali hii imepelekea wimbi kubwa la uhalifu mtandao kuendelea kukua na imetabiriwa kadri muda unavyoendelea tishio la uhalifu mtandao litakua kubwa zaidi – Kuliangalia hili Mkutano wa wana TEHAMA wa Nchi za Afrika (AfICTA) wa mwaka huu 2016 ambao uliofanyika jijini Windhoek Nchini Namibia ulipata kujadili mengi kuhusiana na hili ambapo pande mbili za faida na changamoto ziliangaziwa kwa karibu.

Binafsi, Nilipata kushiriki kuongoza mijadala miwili ambapo tuliangazia changamoto za ukuaji wa uhalifu mtandao kutokana na wimbi wa vitu vingi kuendelea kuunganishwa mtandaoni na pia kujadili mapendekezo ya mambo ya msingi ya kuzingatia ili kubaki salama pamoja na mambo ya msingi kwa wadhibiti wa uhalifu mtandao wanayopaswa kuzingatia ili kuweza kudhibiti hali hii.

HABARI NJEMA: Nimeteuliwa kua Mjumbe wa bodi ya wana TEHAMA wa Nchi za Afrika (AfICTA) ambapo nitaungana na wajumbe wengine kusukuma gurudumu la TEHAMA katika Nchi za Afrika na Dunia Kwa Ujumla – Kujua zaidi kuhusiana na wajumbe wote wa Bodi Unaweza kusoma kwa “KUBOFYA HAPA”

Mjadala ulisistiza ya kua wahalifu mtandao hawapaswi kutuzidi nguvu na kuturudisha nyuma ila kinacho paswa ni kujipanga zaidi kwa kuwekeza katika ulinzi mtandao ili kulinda wimbi la vifaa vinavyoendelea kuunganishwa mtandaoni dhidi ya wahalifu mtandao.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


Cyber-attacks on financial services institutions are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent. By using stolen legitimate credentials and malware to disguise criminal activity, these breaches can remain undetected for some time, making the financial impact irreparable.

Sadly, professionals in the financial services sector are well aware and the attacks keep rising up. The Financial Services Edition of the 2016 Vormetric Data Threat Report, which surveyed 1,100 senior IT security executives at large enterprises around the world. The report found that 90 percent (90%) of respondents feel vulnerable to data threats, and 44 percent (44%) have already experienced a data breach – with nearly one in five i.e. 19 percent (19%) indicating they had experienced a breach in the last year.

This just goes to prove the sentiment, ‘it’s not if you will get hacked, but when’. To which we can add, ‘and how quickly you learn about it’.

Where should financial services IT teams start in better defending their networks?

From sports fields to battlefields, there’s an adage that has been used for centuries that states ‘the best defense is a good offense’. The idea behind this theory is that having a proactive offensive attitude – rather than a reactive defensive posture – is the best way to keep the opposition occupied and limit their ability to conduct an attack.

Sunday, 9 October 2016


Mataifa mbali mbali yame endelea kuwekeza katika sekta ya TEHAMA ikiwa ni katika jitihada za kurahisisha upatikanaji wa mawasiliano kwa wanchi wake pamoja na kukuza ufanisi katika utendaji kupitia utumiaji wa mifumo ya Digitali/Tehama.

Teknolojia ya Setilaiti imeongeza chachu kwenye hili na kwa kuliangalia hili Jijini Addis Ababa Nchini Ethiopia mkutano wa kwanza kwa nchi za Africa wenye kauli mbiu “Digital Skies – Everyone connected”  ulipata kujadili kwa kirefu maswala mbali mbali yahusuyo TEHAMA ambapo Viongozi mbali mbali na wataalam katika nyanja hii walipata kuwasilisha mada na kushiriki katika mijadala mbali mbali.

Waziri wa TEHAMA wa Nchi ya Somalia Mh. Jamal Hassan alikua ni mingoni mwa walio zungumza, ambapo ali ainisha TEHAMA inavyo endelea kukua kwa kasi nzuri katika taifa lake.

Mwanzo wa kuwasilisha mada yake alianza kwa kusema, Somalia imekua na umaarufu mkubwa katika maswala ya ugaidi, Lakini Nchi imepiga hatua nzuri katika kuwekeza katika sekta ya TEHAMA.

Akifafanua alieleza taifa lake (Somalia) linatumia huduma ya fedha mtandao na fedha kupitia simu ambapo wafanyakazi wake wana endelea kulipwa kupitia simu za mkononi. Aidha, Aliainisha mifumo mbali mbali imeendelea kuwa ya kidigitali ili kuhakiki ufanisi unakua.

Aliongeza kwa kusema wananchi wa taifa hilo wameendelea kua na matumizi makubwa ya mitandao ikiwepo mitandao ya kijamii inayo rahisisha mawasiliano baina yao. Alizungumza pia mpango wa Nchi yake kupata huduma ya Mkonge ambao alisema utatokea Dar-es salaam hadi Nchini mwake.

Saturday, 3 September 2016


The Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Prof Faustin Kamuzora, said yesterday in Dar es Salaam that developed countries through ITU have contributed the funds to help support nations and institutions that stand a better chance to fight the threat.

He said cyber crime costs various countries and companies US dollar 400 billions per annum.

“However, despite the threat from the cyber crime it’s estimated that about 650 dollars will be invested by the companies and nations to control the attacks. This is an opportunity to countries with specialised skills and technologies,” he said.
Prof Kamuzora made the revelation when closing the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) workshop for formulation of the National Cyber Security Strategy.

“The resources focus at supporting countries advanced in fighting the cybercrime threats currently worrying the world by providing cybercrime control facilities among other support,” he said, adding that Tanzania stands a better chance to benefit.

Friday, 26 August 2016


Yapo maeneo mengine ambayo yanaweza kuathiriwa vibaya na uhalifu mtandao – UCHUMI, ni moja ya eneo muhimu ambalo wahalifu mtandao wanaweza kuliletea athari. Aidha, Unapotazama kinacho wapelekea wahalifu mtandao kufanya uhalifu moja wapo ni kujipatia fedha.

Ni wazi kua Raisi wa awamu ya Tano ana pambana kwa dhati kuhakiki wa Tanzania wanaondokana na umasikini ulio kithiri ambapo anaendelea kuchukua jitihada na hatua mbali mbali hadi sasa.

Mfano: Kumekua na uhimizaji mkubwa wa ukusanyaji wa kodi ki elektriniki – Kwa njia ya mtandao ambapo amesisitiza anataka aone TEHAMA inatumiwa vizuri katika eneo hili ili kuhaliki hakuna upotevu wa pesa katika ukusanyaji wa kodi Nchini.

Aidha, Mabenki yameendelea kuboresha mifumo ya Kimtandao kuhakiki miamala inafanyika zaidi kupitia mtandao na nikitolea mfano, mabenki Nchini yamekua yaki hamasisha huduma mtandao kama vile (Huduma za kifedha kupitia simu, kutumia kadi zetu kufanya manunuzi pamoja na matumizi ya mashine za kutolea fedha “ATM”)

Makampuni ya simu nayo hayajakubali kubaki nyuma – Yame hakiki yanaingiza huduma inayoshika kasi zaidi Nchini ya kuweza kufanikisha miamala ya kifedha kupitia simu zetu (Mobile money) ambapo wana nchi wengi wameendelea kuona huduma hizi ni rahisi na wengi wanazitumia.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated even while more and more of the world’s transactions and intellectual property are being created and stored in the digital space. The result is an increase in threats to companies as well as the tangible and non-tangible consequences that follow.

The increasing expansion of technology into our hospitals may come with a price. Recently, we have witness a good number of cyberattacks on hospitals across many nations. This lends worry of more attacks to hospitals as they keep deploy new technologies and mobile devices for clinical communications.

Despite new secure device investments, 82% of hospitals expressed concern about their ability to protect mobile devices, patient data, and infrastructure from cyberattacks such as malware, blastware, and ransomware – New released survey has reviled.
NOTE: About 38% of hospitals have invested in a smartphone-based communications platform for staff communication, but 82% of hospital IT staff and healthcare professionals are concerned about their ability to protect against cyberattacks

The survey of more than 100 IT and healthcare professionals working in hospitals found that more hospitals are moving to mobile: 38% of hospitals had invested in a mobile communications platform for doctors, nurses, and other staff to discuss clinical matters on. The average size of deployments was 624 devices.

Sunday, 14 August 2016


Makundi mawili makubwa ya kihalifu mtandao yanayo andika program hasidi “Malware” zenye mlengo ya kudhuru mabenki yametangaza kuungana ambapo imezungumzwa kuwa huwenda ndio sababu kuu ya kumepelekea takwimu mpya za mashambulizi dhidi ya taasisi za kifedha kwa Mwezi (4, 2016 – 6, 2016) kuongezeka kwa Asilimia 16 (16%)  kulinganisha na takwimu za Mwezi (1, 2016 – 4, 2016) .

Makundi haya mawili ambayo ni waandishi wa “Nymaim Trojan” pamoja na “Gozi Trojan” katika hatua yao ya kuunganisha nguvu yanatabiriwa kuongeza tishio kubwa la matukio ya wizi wa fedha katika taasisi za fedha duniani kote – Na inatabiriwa makundi mengine yakielekea kufata njia hii ya kuunganisha nguvu ili kuongeza kasi ya kudhuru na kuiba fedha katika Taasisi za fedha.

Nikielezea umuhimu wa wanausalama mtandao kuunganisha nguvu [KATIKA ANDIKO LINALOWEZAKUSOMEKA HAPA] nilionyesha namna ushirikiano wa dhati baina ya wanausalama mtandao unavyoweza kupunguza  uhalifu mtandao duniani kote hasa ukizingatia uhalifu huu unafanyika bila kuzingatia mipaka.

NOTE: Banking Trojans are often propagated through compromised or fraudulent websites and spam emails. After infecting users, they mimic an official online banking page in an attempt to steal users’ personal information, such as bank account details, passwords, or payment card details.

Awali, “Nymaim Trojan” ilieundwa kama “Ransomware” ambapo kazi kuu ilikua ni kufungia mifumoya watu  na kudai fedha ili kuifungua. Na kwa sasa baada ya mbili hizi kuungana imeongeza sifa nyingine ambapo kwa sasa imekua na uwezo pia wa kusababisha mtu aliyeko mbali kuweza kutumia mfumo wa mtu mwingine bila ridhaa.

Thursday, 4 August 2016


To maximise cross border collaboration, Interpol has been working closely with countries to fight cybercrimes – This include investigations and catching cybercriminals. These collaborations initiatives brought positive impact; it is encouraged to growing wider (Extending wings) as the cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated. 

On Monday, a Nigerian accused of scamming $60 million from companies around the world through fraudulent emails has been arrested after months of investigation, Interpol and Nigeria’s anti-fraud agency revealed.

One company paid out $15.4 million, according to an Interpol statement.

The ringleader of a global scamming network, identified only as 40-year-old Mike, was arrested along with a 38-year-old accomplice in Nigeria’s oil capital, Port Harcourt, in June, the statement said. He is on administrative bail, which implies that officers do not yet have enough evidence to charge him.

NEWS UPDATES: The Obama administration is weighing new steps to bolster the security of the United States’ voting process against cyberthreats, including whether to designate the electronic ballot-casting system for November’s elections as “critical infrastructure,” Jeh Johnson, the secretary of Homeland Security, said on Wednesday.

The man is accused of leading a network that compromised email accounts of small and medium-sized businesses around the world including in the United States, Australia, India, South Africa and Thailand. The statement didn’t name any targets.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


Ili kuwezesha upatikanai rahisi wa huduma za mtandao – Mahoteli, Viwanja vya ndege na maeneo mengine ya mkusanyiko wa watu kumekua na huduma ya Mitandao inatolewa kupitia teknolojia ya “Hotspot – Wi-Fi” ambapo imeendelea kua na umaarufu mkubwa hivi sasa.

Kama ilivyo katika maeneo mengine ya Hili nalo limekua na upande wa pili ambapo kumeibuka wimbi la wahalifu mtandao wanaotumia udhaifu uliyoko kwenye huduma hizi za bure za “Wi-Fi – Hot spot” kudukua  na kuleta madhara kwenye mtandao.

Wahalifu mtandao wamekua wakiweka “Wi-Fi” za bure ambazo si sahihi “Fake” ambapo wanategemea watu wengi watazitumia na baadae kukusanya taarifa zao na kufatilia vinavyosambazwa kwenye mtandao na baadae kupelekea kufanikisha uhalifu mtandao.

Kampuni ya usalama mtandao ya “Avast” hivi karibuni imefanya jaribio la kuangazia uelewa wa watu juu ya huduma hizi za bure za kujipatia mtandao “Free Wi-Fi” ambapo kampuni hiyo iliweka idadi kadhaa ya “Fake Free (Hot spot) Wi-Fi” kwenye mkutano wa Kisiasa nchini Marekani “Republican National Convention”.

NOTE: "Travellers should be conscious of hackers who will attempt to physically steal laptops, tablets and cell phones from luggage, hotel rooms or coffee shops when they are left unattended"

Takwimu zlizo kusanywa na Kampuni hiyo zinasema watu zaidi ya 1200, Walitumia huduma hiyo iliyokua imewekwa kwa mtego na asilimia 68.3 walitoa taarifa zao binafsi. Huku ikielezwa mashindano ya Olympik hili pia linategemewa kujitokeza.

Monday, 25 July 2016


India is one of the country knowing the fillings of cyberattacks. There have been many reports showing how the country keep on facing cyber-attacks and the fight against it is yet to meet its targets. The report which can be read “HERE” shows the statistics of cybercrimes in India for the past years.

 The country now is experiencing a painfully slow internet connection for a week, webpages are either loading after a prolonged delay or timing out due to the massive cyber-attacks on Internet Service providers (ISP). An Andheri-based ISP has now lodged an FIR against what is known as a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.

The motive behind this massive cyberattacks on ISP is yet unclear, but the Indian cyber police said that, it is state-wide and besides being among the largest of its kind in the world, the attack is the first of such a magnitude in India. The perpetrators as of now are unknown.