Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Mwaka 2014 Umekua Wenye changamoto nyingi sana kwenye upade wa mitandao ambapo wahalifu mtandao walifanikiwa kwa kiasi kikubwa sana kuitikisa anga ya usalama mitandao duniani kote ambapo walifikia kutamba kuwa wameshinda mapambano na wanausalama mitandao.

Kubwa zaidi ni uelewa mdogo wa watumiaji mtandao juu ya kujiweka salama kimtandao iliyo ambatana na wana usalama mitandao kuwa wachache sana katika ngazi ya kidunia huku baadhi ya mataifa kutotoa kipaumbele katika maswala ya usalama mitandao.

Aidha, Mengi katika jitihada yameweza kufikiwa ikiwa ni pamoja na Kikao cha funga mwaka cha tathmini ya hali ilivyokuwa kwa mwaka 2014 ambapo iliweza kutabiri hali ya uhalifu mwaka 2015 na kuweka mikakati ya dhati ya kukabiliana na hali hiyo kwa mwaka 2015 inayotegemewa kuwa na matokeo chanya. Kwenye hili unaweza kulisoma kwenye  “TAARIFA FUPI INAYOSOMEKA HAPA"

Wamarekani nao kupitia “US department of Justice” wameamua kuazisha kitengo maalum kitakachotoa msaada kwa mataifa yote duniani katika upande wa maswala ya usalama mitandao ikisisitiza itaangazia zaidi katika kuzuia matatizo kabla hayajatokea.

Tanzania nayo haikubaki nyumba kwenye hili, Tumeshuhudia warsha, semina, kongamano na mikutano mingine yenye malengo thabiti ya kukuza na kuongezea uwezo wa uelewa wa matumizi salama ya mitandao paoja kukuza uwezo wa kukabiliana na hali ya uhalifu mtandao nchini.

Thursday, 25 December 2014


There has been a very high demand of cybersecurity professionals worldwide. Countries are encouraged to train more people in the field of cybersecurity. In Africa there are several initiatives on capacity building that includes Crash programs, Workshops and in some countries security courses have been introduced to the curriculum.

The United States: In response to a growing national demand for cybersecurity workers, “ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY" has planned to use a $4 million federal grant to establish a new scholarship program.

“THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION" funding will provide tuition and a stipend to students in exchange for government service. RIT expects to offer the first scholarships in the fall 2015 semester.

A total of 21 scholarships will be awarded to students.

The program will be open to RIT undergraduates entering their third or fourth year in “COMPUTING SECURITY", computer science or software engineering, and will cover the final three years of a combined bachelor's and master's of science degree in computing security.

"Our degree is somewhat unique in that it does focus explicitly on computing security and it takes a very interdisciplinary perspective," said Andrew Sears, dean of RIT's B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences.

The scholarships, which will be awarded by a faculty committee, cover tuition, books and professional development, plus a cash stipend of $20,000 a year for undergraduates and $32,000 a year for graduate students. The total value of the scholarships will be between $50,000 and $60,000 a year.


Swala la kukuza uelewa wa matumizi mtandao salama maarufu kama  “Cybersecurity Awareness programs” imekua iki himizwa sana kwani uhalifu mtandao unaweza kupunguzwa kwa kiasi kikubwa sana pale watumiaji watakapo pata ufahamu wa kina wa matumizi salama wa mitandao.

Swala hili limekua liki imizwa sana na mataifa mbali mbali ili kuhakiki matumizi salama ya mitandao yanakuwepo na hatimae kupunguza wimbi kubwa la uhalifu mtandao unao endelea kukua hivi sasa. Katika kuonyesha umuhimu wa swala hili Mwezi Wa Kumi umekua ukitumika kama mwezi maalum wa kukuza uelewa wa matumizi salama katika mataifa mengi. Kujua zaidi katika Hili Fatilia Taarifa inayoweza kusomeka "HAPA" 

Kwa kutambua umuhimu Huo Chuo cha Teknolojia cha Dar-es-salaam (DIT) kiliandaa semina maalum ambapo wanafunzi wa vyuo mbali mbali waliweza kualikwa kuhudhuria semina hiyo ambayo ilikua na lengo la kukuza uelewa wa matumizi salama ya mitandao.

Washiriki ambao walikua ni kundi kubwa la vijana, ambao pia wanachukua idadi kubwa ya watumiaji mitandao nchini waliweza kupata elimu hiyo ambapo nili iwasilisha kwa kufafanua mambo mbali mbali kuanzia uelewa wa nini hasa maana ya usalama mitandao, uhusiano wa matawi mbali mbali yahusuyo usalama mitandao na athari za uhalifu mtandao hadi sasa katika ngazi ya Dunia.

Aidha, niliangazia Hali ilivyo katika bara La Afrika na Juhudi mbali mbali zinazoendelea ili kuweka Bara salama. Huku niki eleza namna mbali mbali wanavyoweza kujilinda na kuwalinda wengine na uhalifu mtandao.

Maangalizo mbali mbali ambayo yanaweza kupelekea kuweza  kuwatenganisha watu wema wanaofanya uhalifu mtandao bila kukusudia na wahalifu halisi wa mitandao niliweza kufafanua.

Saturday, 13 December 2014


In one of my recent "ARTICLE" I raised my concern on the rise of cyber warfare not only between big countries or companies but also small companies and countries. With the new prediction stating 2015 there will be a big number of cyber espionage – We should expect African continent to be the most affected because of luck of readiness to combat cyber-attacks.

With recent report from Kaspersky Lab, Russian companies in oil, finance, military, and other sectors – as well as the country’s embassies abroad – have become the primary targets of a new espionage campaign, labeled ‘Cloud Atlas’ by global information security powerhouse Kaspersky Lab.

Enterprises in Belarus and Kazakhstan – which are Russia’s partners in the Eurasian Custom Union – are also affected. Another major target of the campaign is India, the Moscow-based company said.

According to Kaspersky Lab, Cloud Atlas infects corporate computers via RTF (Rich Text Format) files attached to emails.

Those behind the campaign have also launched attacks using MMS and SMS messages to infect Android, BlackBerry, and iOS devices.

Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team believes Cloud Atlas is most likely a successor to the so-called ‘Red October’ espionage campaign.

“Both Red October and Cloud Atlas, according to our data, are focused on the abduction of information from the organizations located in Eastern Europe,” Igor Sumenkov, principal security researcher at Kaspersky Lab, told Sputnik news agency.

"Geographic location and occupation of victims of Cloud Atlas and Red October are similar. Moreover, among the targets of Cloud Atlas there is at least one organization that has been previously attacked by Red October," he explained.

The Red October cyber espionage campaign was discovered by Kaspersky Lab in October 2012 and defeated in January 2013. For five years, the malware stole information from various organizations around the world, mostly in Russia.

Friday, 12 December 2014


Kumekua na wimbi kubwa la uhalifu mtandao unaofanywa na mhalifu kwa lengo la kujipatia fedha, taarifa na mambo mengine katika maeneo mbali mbali duniani. Katika mfululizo wa vipindi mbali mbali vinavyo weza kusikika "HAPA" nimeweza kueleza hali halisi huku kesho ya uhalifu mtandao kama ilivyo tabiriwa kupata kuangaziwa macho kwa karibu.

Kwa sasa kumeendelea kukua kwa uhalifu unao ihusisha nchi moja dhidi ya nyingine au kampuni moja dhidi ya nyingine yenye malengo ya kupata taarifa za ndani na wakati mwingine kwa nia ya kuangusha tu mifumo ya nchi/ kampuni nyingine kwa sababu mbali mbali.

Kupitia ripoti ya McAfee iliyo chambuliwa "HAPA" imetabiri aina hii ya uhalifu kati ya nchi na nchi au kampuni na kampuni kuongeza kasi zaidi mwaka wa 2015. Hili limeambatana na kitu kipya kilicho tambulishwa kama “Cybercrime –as – service” ambapo uhalifu mtandao utakua unatumiwa kama huduma. Haya yanategemea kuiweka dunia katika hali mbaya zaidi kimtandao.

Hadi sasa Tayari mataifa makubwa yame endelea na vita mitandao ambapo kumekua na taarifa mbali mbali ambazo zimeonyesha vita hivyo mitandao zinavyo athiri mataifa hayo makubwa.

Mifano michache ni pamoja na kuibiwa kwa taarifa za mitambo ya kivita ambapo imekua ikipelekea mitambo hiyo kudhibitiwa mifumo yake na kusababisha kuleta athari. Nilipata kuliangazia hili katika taarifa inayosomeka "HAPA"  Aidha, taarifa za siri zenye athari kiuchumi zimekua zikilengwa katika vita hivi mtandao. Wakati mwwingine kuingilia tu mifumo na kuisimamisha kufanya kazi.

Saturday, 6 December 2014


When I spoke about the need to have cyber laws in place, I clearly mentioned that Africa is the next target – meaning either it can be used as back door for the cybercriminals to attack other developed nations or to make use of the growing technology in the continent for them to obtain easy money.

 Shortly after my report, "BBC REPORTED" an incident happened in Kenya where by Kenyan police say they have cracked a cybercrime Centre run by 77 Chinese nationals from upmarket homes in the capital, Nairobi. Police believe they were involved in hacking and money laundering.

China has promised to fully cooperate with Kenya after police arrested 77 Chinese nationals thought to be running a cybercrime center in the country’s capital, Nairobi.

The arrests, 37 of which occurred last Sunday and a further 40 on Wednesday were sparked by a fire on Sunday at a home in in Nairobi in which one person died.

Police investigating the cause of the fire attributed it to a faulty server and a number of raids then took place on upmarket houses rented by the Chinese nationals. During these raids they found vast amounts of high-tech equipment including telephone headsets, computers linked to high-speed internet and monitors.

According to local police, it is thought that the gangs were “preparing to raid the country’s communication systems”.

Speaking to Kenya’s privately owned Standard newspaper, director of Kenya's Criminal Investigations Department, Ndegwa Muhoro said: “Preliminary findings show the fire was caused by one of the servers they were illegally operating”.

Whilst they have allegedly been charged for being in the country illegally and operating radio equipment without the necessary permits, local police have said that the group also appeared to be manufacturing ATM cards, and may have been involved in money laundering and Internet fraud.

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Nianze kuliandikia hili kwa kuonyesha furaha yangu kuwa huwenda sasa kumekua na uelewa juu ya maswala ya usalama mitandao. Nalisema hili kutokana na uhalisia kwamba Jana nilipata maswali kutoka kwa watu wengi sana huku nikipata jumbe nyingi zilizofanana zikielezea juu ya tukio la benk ya NBC kuingiliwa na wadukuzi.

Wengi walinitaka pia nielezee huku nikiulizwa mbona hakuna nilichozungumza. Nilifarijika sana kwani muda uliopita wengi hawakua wakihoji juu ya maswala ya udukuzi pamoja na usalama mitandao na huwenda hii ilitokana na kutokua na uelewa wa maswala husika.


Kwanza kabisa Kulikua na Itlafu ya Umeme ambayo ilisababisha baadhi ya Mashine kuzima.

Pili, Kulitokea Tahadhari ya Moto iliyosababisha wafanyakazi kuchuukua tahadhari ya kutoka nje.

Na Tatu, Mifumo ya Mobile banking (Inayotoa huduma za miamala kupitia simu za kiganjani) kushindwa kufanya kazi yake ipasavyo iliyo sababisha kutoa kiwango kisicho sawa kwa waliokua wakiangalia salio.

Matukio haya matatu yaliunganishwa na kutengeneza taarifa moja iliyo sambazwa kua kuna mdukuzi aliingilia banki ya NBC na kusababisha mifumo kutofanya kazi na hatimae kuhamisha kiasi kikubwa  cha pesa. Kitu ambapo kilipelekea wafanya kazi kutoka nje ili uchunguzi zaidi uweze kufanywa.

Na anaepata taarifa anapo angalia salio anaona kunatatizo katika kiasi chake na kuamini jumbe ile. Panapotoka ufafanuzi wa taarifa hii wengi bado wanahoji bado kuna shaka niendelee kutoa ufafanuzi nini hasa kinaweza kikawa kimesababisha?


Wengi wanaweza kuhusisha matukio mawili ya mifumo kuzimika na mifumo ya Mobile money kutofanya kazi (Kuzidiwa nguvu) na kutoa taarifa zisizo sahihi na kinacho julikana kama "DDOS ATTACKS" ambapo pia ni uhalifu mtandao unaoweza kusababisha tukio la mifumo kuzima na kuzidiwa kufanya kazi.

Friday, 21 November 2014


Hon. J.Y Makamba
In order to combat cybercrimes, Cyber laws cannot be ignored. This goes together with well trained Judges that will be able to understand them and act on them accordingly. Most of the countries have been working on cyber laws – Initiates new ones and reviews the ones existed in order to update for them to go along with the current situations.

Among the issue discussed during the “CYBERCON AFRICA 2014” was the need of legal framework to facilitate the fight against cybercrimes. We all agreed there is a lot to be done. Countries in Africa are still struggling when it comes to legal framework which makes the fight against cybercrime to be harder than expected.

Three cyber laws bills in Tanzania that will provide legal framework for the criminalization of cyber and network related offences will be tabled in the next parliamentary session, the government announced.

Deputy Minister for communication, science and technology – Honorable, January Makamba made the announcement in the parliament naming the bills as the cyber security law, Personal data protection law and the computer and cybercrime law.

According to the deputy minister, the bills have both been presented before the cabinet and secretariat for recommendations. He made the announcement when responding to a question from Nkenge MP assumpter Mshana (CCM).

The MP wanted to know when the government will curb cybercrimes and how many suspects have been booked in connection with cybercrimes. Makamba detailed that available statistics indicate that for the period of January 2012 to September 2014 a total of 999 cybercrimes were reported at the police centers around the country.

Thursday, 20 November 2014


Itakumbukwa katika mkutano uliofanyika  mapema mwezi huu  jijini "CAIRO" hofu ya ukuwaji wa uhalifu mtandao unaoweza kurudisha nyuma uchumi wa mataifa ya Afrika  ulipata kujadiliwa kwa kina huku nchi ya Misri ikionyesha washiriki wa mkutano huo jitihada inayoendelea nayo katika kukabiliana na uhalifu mtandao.

Ime ripotiwa na Mtandao wa "MGAFRICA - IN ENGLISH" kuhusiana na kilichojiri katika mkutano uliokamilika jijini Johannesburg, Afrika kusini wa maswala ya usalama mitandao ambapo Bara la Afrika limetabiriwa kuwa na ukuaji wa uhalifu mtandao kutokana na mikakati daifu ya kujiweka salama huku ikiwapatia wahalifu mtandao urahisi mkubwa wa kuleta maafa siku za usoni.

Kumeendelea kuwa na wimbi kubwa la uhalifu mitandao ingawa jitihada za kukabiliana na uhalifu huo zimeendelea  kugharimu mataifa mengi hivi sasa. Mataifa yamekua yakiwekeza kwenye maswala ya usalama mitandao lakini bado wahalifu mtandao wameonekana kuendelea kutamba.

Mkutano huo wa maswala ya  usalama mitandao uliangazia kwa karibu  sababu za ukuaji wa uhalifu mtandao na nini kifanyike kwa mataifa ili kuweza kupiga hatua ya kubaki salama kimtandao. Wataalam wa maswala Mtandao kutoka katika mataifa mbali mbali walikutana  kuyajadili mambo hayo kama ifuatavyo:-

Swala la kukuza uwelewa kwa watumiaji mtandao kuhusu matumizi salama ya mitandao lilionekana bado ni changmoto katika mataifa mengi. Na njia rafiki za kuhakiki kampeni hii ya kuamasisha uma juu ya matumizi salama ilipelekea mambo mengi kuangaziwa macho huku "TOVUTI" maalum kwa ajili ya uelewa wa matumizi salama mitandao ikipata kuzinduliwa.

Monday, 17 November 2014


There were some 30 million cases of cyber bullying in Israel in the first 10 months of this year, victimizing about 387,000 people 20 or older, according to a survey by the Public Security Ministry. This works out to 63 cases of cyber bullying every minute.

Yet the police have opened an average of only 712 cyber-bullying cases a year over the past four years, accounting for a mere 0.19 percent of all police cases opened during this period. This is the situation even though a police source said the force assumes that “cyber bullying causes much more severe damage than physical bullying, and its ramifications are deeper and broader.”

The ministry’s survey dealt only with men and women over 20, so the numbers don’t cover cyber bullying targeting minors. But in a survey of thousands of students aged 13 to 18 earlier this year, 65 percent said they had been the victim of cyber bullying at least once.

The police define cyber bullying as repeated, deliberate attacks committed via computer, cellphone, camera or any other digital device. Cyber bullying can include harassment, disseminating rumors, humiliation, mockery, defamation, impersonating someone, misleading someone, disseminating someone’s personal information, ostracism, intimidation, threats and extortion.

The survey found that one reason the police open so few cyber-bullying cases is that relatively few such crimes are ever reported. Only 16.5 percent of victims turned to an agency such as the police, the welfare authorities or the Communications Ministry.

Thursday, 6 November 2014


Baada ya Mwezi Oktoba kuisha ambapo kubwa lilikua ni kukuza uelewa juu ya matumizi salama ya mitandao, Taarifa ya kumalizika kwa mwezi huo inaweza kusomeka "HAPA" Mambo mengi tuliyo yajadili yameonekana kuangaziwa tena kwenye kongamano la maswala ya TEHAMA Jijini Cairo Nchini Misri. Muundo wa kongamano hili ulihusisha meza kuu inayo fungua mijadala na wasikilizaji kuchangia na kuuliza mwaswali pamoja na kupata njia ya kufikia malengo kupitia mada tofauti tofauti.

Naibu Waziri wa Mawasiliano Sayansi na Teknolojia Mh. January Makamba, Katika Meza kuu ya Mjadala alio husisshwa alipata kuzungumzia jinsi teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano inavyo patiwa kipaumbele cha mwishoni na idara za fedha katika mataifa mbali mbali ingawa ni sekta ambayo ina nafasi kubwa sana katika kuleta mabadiliko na kukuza kwa haraka uchumi wan chi yeyote kama itatumika vizuri.

Aidha, Kwenye Meza kuu ambayo Nilikua nimehusika tulipata kuangazia maswala mbali mbali na huku nikizungumzia kwa kina jinsi usalama mitandao utakapo achwa kupewa kipaumbele unavyo weza kurudisha nyuma jitihada za dhati za kutumika vizuri kwa teknolojia ya Habari ili kukuza uchumi wan chi mbali mbali.

Pia nilipata kuzungumzia umuhimu mkubwa wa kuhakikisha mataifa ya Afrika yanaongeza jitihada ili kuhakiki Mafunzo yahusuyo usalama mitandao yanakuzwa kwa kasi ili kuhakiika wataalam wa kutosha wanapatikana na kusababisha watumiao vibaya teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano wanaweza kuangazwa kiurahisi na kudhibitiwa kwa manufaa ya kukuza uchumi wan chi yoyote duniani.

Katika Mkutano Huu ambao Pia ulihudhuriwa na Mkuu wa  Intel  bwana John E. Davies, Kama anavyo onekana kwenye picha akiwa na Mkuu wa Intel katika Nchi ya Misri, Sikusita kukutana nao na kujadili maswala mbali mbali yahusuyo usalama mitandao huku nikitaka kujua jinsi gani Intel inajipanga kuhakiki uinzi mtandao unakua na nafasi nzuri.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


In Ethiopia, a Federal First Instance Court sentenced Yonas Kassahun to two years in jail for hacking into the email account of Akiko Seyoum,  general manager of the Orchid Business Group. This happened On October 22, 2014. In a separate civil lawsuit, Yonas also seeks 42 million Br from Akiko. Progress remains unclear on "evidence" of money laundering by Akiko which Yonas claims to have passed to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) nearly a year ago.

The Court passed a guilty verdict against Yonas, a member of the Ethiopian diaspora from Germany, and sentenced him to two years in prison and a 5,000-Br fine for the cyber crime he was said to have committed against Akiko.

The public prosecutor filed charges in June 2013, claiming Yonas had illegally accessed the email account of Akiko, a businesswoman, a year earlier. Yonas allegedly transferred documents to his personal account, shared the documents with a third person, Girma Gelaw (Eng) and then deleted the documents from Akiko's electronic inbox. The prosecutor, Tolemariam Megerssa, told the court that Yonas used the data he acquired to blackmail Akiko into paying him 50 million Br if she wanted to get back her business data, which included information exchanged with her foreign and local clients.

However, in July 2012, a month after the alleged hacking incident, and 11 months before the prosecutor raised charges, Yonas and his lawyer, Amha Mekonnen, had passed a document to the MoJ, which they claimed proved Akiko was involved in money laundering by arranging payment to a Dubai based company, Soldan International Trading, for work done in Ethiopia.

Friday, 31 October 2014


Mwezi huu wa Oktoba mataifa mbali mbali yamekua yakiadhimisha kwa kukuza ufuhahamu kwa watu wake juu yamatumizi salama ya mitandao. Ni wazi ya kuwa mitandao inapotumika vibaya inaweza kuleta athari kubwa sana kwa jamii, na tayari matukio mengi kutoka maeneo mbali mbali tayari tumeendelea kuya shududia.

KATIKA MWEZI HUU: kwa uchache kabisa nitaangazia matukio baadhi nikianzia na kutokea nchini "MAREKANI" Raisi wa Marekani Alipitisha agizo muhimu kwa taifa hilo kuhusiana na matumizi ya kadi ili kufanyia miamala ya kibiashara ikiwa ni katika kukabiliana na matukio ya hivi karibuni nchini mwake.tukio ambalo limeibua mijadala mbali mbali huku mataifa mengine yakiaswa kulifanyia kazi na kuboresha baada ya uchambuzi wa tukio hilo kufanywa na wataalam mbali mbali wa maswala ya usalama mitandao.

"KENYA" kupitia mkutano wake mkuu wa mwaka unao wakutanisha wataalam na wafanya maamuzi katika maswala ya TEHAMA walipata kuangalia kwa karibu maswala mbali mbali ya kiusalama mitandao kwa kina na kuyatafutia ufumbuzi.

"TANZANIA" pia kupitia Warsha iliyofanyika na kushirikisha mataifa mbali mbali iliyofanyikia Tume ya Taifa Sayansi COSTECH mjadala wa kina ulio jikita kwenye maswala ya usalama mitandao ulioibua mazuri mengi ikiwa ni pamoja na kuendeleza ushirikiano baina ya washiriki pamoja na kubadilishana ujuzi na taarifa za msingi katika maswala ya usalama mitandao.

"CERT - EU" inayosimamia mwaswala ya usalama mitandao katika nchi wanachama za bara ulaya  walianza rasmi kujumuisha taarifa zinazopatikana hapa kwenye tovuti yao huku mijadala mbali mbali ya kiusalama mitandao kupitia foramu mbali mbali yakijadili taarifa zinazopatikana hapa.

"BBC - SWAHILI" na Vyombo vingine vya Habari Nchini vilionekana kuhamasisha matumizi salama ya mitandao, hatua ambayo naipongeza sana – Hii ni kwa sababu , vyombo vya habari vimekua na nafasi kubwa sana katika kuhakikisha wananchi wanapata ufahamu mzuri wa matumizi salama ya mitandao ili kuweza kujiweka salama wao na taifa lao kwa ujumla.

Saturday, 25 October 2014


United States experienced large number of attacks in the recent years. As organized cyberattacks continue to plague the United States, the Department of Justice hopes to shift focus towards prosecuting cybercriminals.

The large volume of cyberattacks aimed at U.S. infrastructure, including banks and private sector companies, has finally led the U.S. Justice Department to begin showing interest in prosecuting cyberattack crimes. Assistant Attorney General John Carlin is spearheading the project, with a more realistic emphasis on cyber security efforts.

Similar to the statement made during five days "MEETING" took place in Dar-es-salaam aimed to building capacity and knowledge/information sharing, Carlin recently noted in his statement made in the US.

 "We need to develop the capability and bandwidth to deal with what we can see as an evolving threat," Carlin recently noted. He is building a team around him able to understand the seriousness of state-sponsored cyberattacks, especially by the Chinese and Russian governments.

Instead of worrying about rogue hackers, the government wants to work to dismantle organized hacker groups that victimize US companies - and consumers, with millions

of victims racked up. This is an important step by the federal government, which tried to bury its head in the sand, though that not surprisingly hasn't worked.

Meanwhile, a local college student facing federal charges for taking part in an online hacking group was sentenced on Thursday 23 of October to two years in prison.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


Nchi ya Tanzania imepata bahati ya kipekee kuwa mwenyeji wa warsha ya Kimataifa ya maswala ya usalama mitandao iliyo shirikisha mataifa mbali mbali kujadili na kuongezeana uwezo wa jinsi wa kukabiliana na changamoto kubwa katika maswala ya uhalifu mitandao.

Warsha hii imekuja muda muafaka baada ya taarifa niliyo iandikia "HAPA" niliyo himiza na kuonyesha umuhimu mkubwa wa kuunganisha nguvu za pamoja kwenye vita dhidi ya uhalifu mtandao ikizingatiwa uhalifu mtandao ni uhalifu usio mipaka na kuna mahitaji makubwa ya kushirikiana katika taarifa na utaalam.

Warsha hii imekua na mafanikio makubwa sana ambapo nikiwa kama mtaalam wa maswala ya usalama mitandao na uchunguzi wa makosa ya digitali naweza kusema ni mengi tumeweza kubadilishana na uwezo  wa kuendeleza mapambano zaidi dhidi ya uhalifu mtandao umeongezeka kwa washiriki wote.

Wito Mkubwa ulitolewa na katibu mkuu wa wizara ya sayansi mawasiliano na teknolojia nchini profesa Patrick Makungu kuwataka wataalam na washiriki wengine kutochoka na kuongeza jitihada kukabiliana na wimbi la uhalifu mtandao linalokua kwa kasi duniani kote ili kuweza kuwa mbele ya wahalifu mitandao kupitia hotuba aliyo isoma kwa niamba ya Waziri wa Wizara  hiyo kama inavyoweza kusomeka "HAPA"

Sunday, 12 October 2014


With the growing technology, there is a need for cybersecurity experts and ICT experts at large to keep on learning new things and updating themselves of the current technologies – Dr. Waudo urged during the opening of the conference I attended in "KENYA"

The Rapid changes of technology each day that comes along with new techniques used to commit cybercrimes should force us to do the best we can to share knowledge among us and collaborate for us to be able to fight cybercrimes.

Knowledge sharing facilitates both capacity building and awareness to update individuals on the current situation.  – The key to succession to the fight against cybercrimes. It was well explained to experts during the InfoSec Europe 2014 in "LONDON"

Knowledge sharing goes along with collaborations. I have said many times “Fighting cybercrime should not be a work of an individual alone” experts across nation and world at large should always think of the ways to extend collaborations for the best output.

We have witnessed the current initiatives "UK and US" took on the fight against cybercrimes. The initiatives we all predict will add impact. This example was seen before when European Union decided to form cybersecurity framework helping the
region on the fight against cybercrimes.

Two things I would kindly like to encourage each of the cybersecurity experts to keep in mind:

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Aina hii Malware inayojulikana kama Tyupkin yaleta maafa katika mashine za ATM. Tyupkin imekua ikisambazwa na kundi la wahalifu mtandao kutokea ulaya mashariki na kusababisha pesa nyingi kuweza kutoka kupitia ATM mashine ambapo tayari wataalam wa usalama mitandao kutoka Kaspersky Lab wakishirikiana karibu na polisi wasio na mipaka “Interpol” wamesha anza oparesheni ya pamoja kutafuta chanzo na ugunduzi katika mashine 50 umebainika hadi sasa.

Video inayo onyesha kilichotokea kwenye Mashine Hizo:

Uchunguzi wa kina umeonyesha Mashine zilizo athirika zimekua zikigundulika kuwa na Window XP yenye 32-bit ambayo tayari Microsoft walisha tahadharisha watumiaji wake. Utafiti unaonyesha Mashine nyingi za ATM bado zimeendelea kutumia Window XP ambapo imekua ikirahisisha sana kuingiliwa na wahalifu.