Saturday, 28 June 2014


Mahakama katika nchi mbalimblai zimekua na taratibu zakukusanya vielelezo vya kidigitali vitakavyo weza toa uthibitisho katika makosa mbali mbali ya kimtandao.

Mtandano wa kijamii wa Facebook ulitakiwa kuwasilisha taarifa za wateja wake ambao walihusishwa na uhalifu mtandao wa kujipatia pesa kinyume na sharia kupitia mtandao wa kijamii wa facebook.

Mtandao huo wa kijamii wa Facebook umekata rufaa dhidi ya amri hiyo ya mahakama ambapo ilitakiwa kuwasilisha taarifa  za watu takriban 400 waliouhusika na visa vya kujipatia pesa kwa njia ya udanganyifu.

Mtandao huo wa kijamii ulisema kuwa ombi hilo la mahakama lilihusisha idadi kubwa ya majina ya watu kuwahi kuombwa na shirika la kiserikali kutoka kwa mtandao huo
Picha na ujumbe wa faragha pamoja na taarifa nyinginezo kuhusu watu hao ziliwasilishwa kwenye mahakama mwaka jana, lakini mahakama ilitoa tangazo hili wiki hii.

Uamuzi wa mahakama ulitaja Facebook kama mhifadhi wa data za kidijitali.

Jaji wa kesi hiyo alisema maana ya kuwa mhifadhi ni kwamba Facebook inapaswa kutii agizo la mahakama la kutaka kufanysa msako.

Kesi halisi ilichunguza visa vya watu kadhaa kudai malipo kutoka kwa mfuko wa taifa kwa watu wenye ulemavu Marekani.

Monday, 23 June 2014


The Jeddah Police have opened up an exclusive digital laboratory as part of a comprehensive plan to combat cybercrimes, which have gained precedence in the Kingdom as an increasing number of people use the new media and social networking sites to communicate their ideas and opinions.

Maj. Gen. Abdullah Qaitani, chief of Jeddah Police inaugurated the lab on behalf of Makkah Regional Police Abdulaziz Al-Asoli. Ahmed bin Zayed Al-Asiri, director general of Criminal Investigation Department, Ahmed Al-Faqih, director of Forensic and Information Technology also attended the inaugural function, according to Jeddah Police.

“This section deals exclusively with cybercrime and its technical aspects, said Lt. Aati Al-Quraish, spokesperson of police on Saturday.

The Anti-Cybercrime Law was approved by a Royal decree on March 26, 2007. The law aims at combating cybercrimes by identifying such crimes and determining their punishments to ensure information security, protection of rights pertaining to the legitimate use of computers and information networks, protection of public interest, morals, common values and protection of the national economy.

Cybercrime is on the rise across the Middle East and in Saudi Arabia, and protecting against cyber threats is an ongoing management challenge for organizations in the country. Consumer cybercrime cost the Kingdom SR2.6 billion in the previous year, according to a survey by Symantec, one of the world’s largest consumer cybercrime studies.

Sunday, 22 June 2014


Miongoni mwa makosa mtandao kuna lijulikanalo kama “Phishing” ambapo kosa hili limekua likidumu kwa muda sasa katika nchi mbali mbali na kwa upande wa Afrika ilizoeleka kuanzishiwa kutokea Naigeria pamoja na Ghana.

Nchi mbali mbali zimechukulia uhalifu huu kua ni hatari kwani unaweza kuwa na madhara makubwa kwa mtendewa ikiwa ni pamoja na kupelekea kufilisi mtu, kupata taarifa za watu kinyume na sheria/ makubaliano na hata wakati mwingine kupelekea kuleta madhara mengine kama kutumika kuhatarisha mifumo mbali mbali.

Kwa kuzingatia hili nchi mbali mbali zimekua na sheria kali dhidi ya uhalifu huu , huku nchi za afrika kupitia umoja wa wataalam wa maswala ya usalama mtandao kuanzisha kamati yenye watu maalaum kuangazia macho uhalifu huu na kutoa taarifa huku hatua zikichukuliwa.

Makampuni ya Ati-vurus nayo yametoa uzito kwenye hili na kuhakiki wanaunda nyezo madhubuti za utambuzi wa aina hii ya uhalifu na mara kwa mara wakiwasilisha ripoti zao.

Changamoto bado zipo kutokana na upungufu wa uelewa kwa wananchi mbali mbali juu ya uhalifu huu inayo sababisha  waathirika kueendelea kuwa wengi kila kukicha.

Uchunguzi umeonyesha mara nyingi panapokua na jambo linalo fatiliwa na wengi ndipo wahalifu wanapenyeza hapo na kuanza kusambaza aina hii ya uhalifu. Nimepata kuliandikia hili kupitia taarifa ya Uhalifu unao ambatana na World cup kama inavyosomeka "HAPA" kwa kirefu.

Kwa upande wa Tanzania pamekua pakizungumzwa mara zote matumizi mabaya ya mitandao, yanapelekea uhalifu mtandao na hatua kali zitachukuliwa kwa wale wote watakao bainika kujihusisha na uhalifu mtandao.

Saturday, 21 June 2014


The National Security Adviser (NSA), Mohammed Sambo Dasuki, on Thursday, expressed concern over the increasing rate of cybercrimes in the country and its negative effect on the economy.

Dasuki, who spoke at the First National Cybersecurity Forum themed ‘Towards Multi-Stakeholders Partnership for National Cybersecurity Engagement’ held at the Eko Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos noted that proactive steps needed to be taken to arrest the trend.

The NSA said that government could not afford to be apathetic because of the cutting edge technology being used by cyber criminals, thus the need to priotise securing Nigeria’s cyberspace.

He said: “Realising the importance of cyberspace, the Federal Government of Nigeria has designated cyber security as a national security priority with the Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) stepping up efforts towards meeting the challenge by working in close collaboration with all stakeholders to ensure a safer and more secure cyberspace.”

He added that experiences from other countries had shown that national cybersecurity initiatives could best be achieved by adopting a coordinated and integrated approach encompassing Law; Technology; Institutional Capacity Building; Private Sector Partnership (PPP) and International Law Enforcement Cooperation.

Friday, 20 June 2014


Dr. Raynold Mtungahema
Mamlaka ya mawasiliano nchini, TCRA, imewaonya wale wote wanaotumia mitando kuchafua na kudhalilisha watu waache mara moja vinginevyo watakabiliwa na mkono wa sheria.

Onyo hilo limetolewa jana mjini Arusha na Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa mamlaka ya mawasiliano nchini TCRA, Dkt, Raynold Mtungahema, alipokuwa akitoa ufafanuzi wa maswali ya wanahabari kuhusu kuenea kwa picha chafu zinazowadharirisha watu mbalimbali kwenye mitandao.

Nilipata kufafanua yakua mtandao au kifaa chochote cha digitali kinapotumiwa visivyo kinaweza kupelekea mtumiaji kujikuta akifanya uhalifu mtandao. Mifano katika hili nilipata kueleza, pale mtumiaji anapotumia mtandao kutukana, kutishia na kudhalilisha wengine mitandaoni anakua amefanya kinachoitwa "Cyberbullying" ambacho ufafanuzi wa hili unaweza kusomeka "HAPA"

Kwa nchi za magharibi wamekuwa na kampeni mbali mbali zinazo hamasisha kutokomeza aina hii ya uhalifu mtandao ambapo takwimu za ITU za mwaka 2013 zilionyesha takriban nusu ya wenye umri kati ya miaka 13 - 17 wamekua wana athirikazaidi na "Cyberbullying".

Kwa Tanzania hapakua na tofauti, Mitandao imekua ikitumika kusambaza taarifa za uongo, chuki na kudhalilisha wengine na hata baadhi kutishia wengine kupitia mitandao (Simu pamoja na Komputa) kitu ambacho ni hatari sana kwa usalama wa taifa lolote. Hili lilipelekea TCRA kuja na kampeni ya "Futa delete kabisa" inayo hamasisha kutosambaza jumbe za chuki, matusi au uongo ili kulinda amani ya Tanzania.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


A lot have been said regarding World cup in relation to Cyberthreats. US today release an article about World class Cyberthreats that are expected and provide piece of advice as it seen "HERE".  This world cup is said to be surrounded by multiple threats from phishing scams to mobile malware, there's a lot to watch out for if you're a soccer fan these days.

In response to the start of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, hackers have attacked dozens of websites to protest the money being diverted to the tournament. Members of Anonymous recently took down the websites of the Military Police of Sao Paulo, Brazil's Department of Justice, Hyundai and the Emirates Group, among many others.

"We had a busy time last few days and there is still more to come," a famous  hacker named Che Commodore told "REUTERS". "Companies and institutions that work with a government that denies the basic rights of its people in order to promote a private, exclusive and corrupt sports event will be targeted" - he added.

Still, it's not just companies that should be concerned about cyber threats; millions of soccer fans are also at risk from malware, phishing and more.


"KASPERSKY" researchers say they're detecting about 50-60 new well-designed World Cup phishing domains each day, as well personalized emails that claim the recipient has won free tickets to a match. "If you are planning to travel to Brazil for the World Cup or following it online, be secure -- don’t trust any messages you receive, and double-check before clicking links," the researchers write.

Friday, 13 June 2014


Bwana. Joseph Tiampati
Mashambulio ya mtandao nchini Kenya yamekuwa ni zaidi ya nusu kwa mwaka uliopita, na nchi kupoteza takriban shilingi bilioni 2 (dola milioni 22.8) kwa mwaka, hii ni kwa mujibu wa ripoti ya usalama mtandao ya Kenya ya mwaka huu wa 2014.

Ikiwa ni kipindi muhimu ambapo ripoti  za usalama mitandao katika ngazi mbali mbali zinaendelea kuwasilishwa, Kenya nayo imewasilisha ripoti yake ya mwaka 2014 huku ikiwa imeonyesha hofu kuzidi ya ukuaji ma uhalifu katika usalama mitandao  nchini mwake.

Ripori hiyo inayoweza kupatikana "HAPA" imekuja wakati muafaka kwani Kenya ipo kwenye mchakato wa kuboresha sera zake zihusuyo usalama mtandao na kuimarisha uwezo wake wa kupambana na uhali mtandao nchini humo. Ki undani katika hili linasomeka "HAPA"

Akizindua ripoti hiyo, Katibu Mkuu Habari na Mawasiliano na Teknolojia Joseph Tiampati alisema wahalifu, ikiwa ni pamoja na magaidi, wameingia katika mitandao kufanya shughuli za uhalifu, na aliyataka mashirika kudumisha mifumo mizuri ya usalama kulinda dhidi ya mashambulizi.
Bwana. Kris Senanu

Aidha, Bwana Kris Senanu akizungumza katika uzinduzi huo ameeleza yakua Mitandao hii leo imekua ni nyenzo muhimu katika ukuaji wa uchumi na pia kijamii pamoja na kuzitaka kampuni za mawasiliano kuhakiki usalama wa mifumo yao iko vizuri ili kuweza kukidhi mahitaji ya wateja wao.

Thursday, 12 June 2014


The fourth workshop in a global series of workshop on Cybercrime and Cybersecurity which was announced "HERE", hosted by the US Government was held in Gaborone recently. The retreat, dubbed the Sub-Saharan African Cybercrime and Cybersecurity workshop attracted mostly security and law agents from almost all the SADC countries who all resolved to have their governments devote more resources to fighting cybercrimes.

Eric Tamrkin, from The Institute for Security Studies said “Given the report that Africa is becoming cybercrime safe harbour, the problem could hamper economic growth, foreign investment and security. Policy makers need a cogent response to cybercrime which is informed by a clear understanding of emerging threats and how other countries have formed strategies in response; countries on the continent should adopt a multi-layered approach”

According to Dr. Ezekiel Okike from the University of Botswana’s Department of Computer Science, business and government institutions can lose billions of dollars every year to computer criminals. Many computer crimes are probably committed by company insiders and to avoid embarrassment many companies cover up computer crime committed by their own employees like the cashiers, clerks, programmers, managers. The typical computer criminal could be a trusted employee or former employee, he said.


Pamoja na kua na ugumu wa kupata takwimu halisi za pesa zinazopotea kutokana na uhalifu mtandao, bado takwimu zimesisitizwa kutolewa kupitia ripoti ndogo ndogo zinazo andaliwa kwa ushirika wa makampuni ya usalama mitandao na hatimae ripoti ya pamoja (Kubwa).

Ripoti ndogo za awali tayari zimesha anza kutoka ,  hadi hivi sasa mbili kutoka MacAfee na pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC) zi mesha wekwa mitandaoni ilikutoa ruhusa kupitiwa na jamii mbali mbali huku ripoti nyingine zikiendelea kutengenezwa.

Katika ripoti ya MacAfee ambapo ilishirikiana na Center of strategic and international studies (CSIS) imeeleza zaidi ya dola bilioni 400 za kimarekani  zimepotea kutokana na uhalifu mtandao katika ngazi ya kidunia.

Katika ripoti hiyo pia pame ainishwa kile ambapo kimekua kikizungumzwa kila siku yakua uhalifu mwingi wa mitandao umekua hauripotiwi huku hamasa ikiendelea kutolewa kwa jamii za nchi mbali mbali kujenga tabia ya kuripoti matukio ya uhalifu mtandao kila yanapotokea.

Jamii inaporipoti uhalifu mtandao unaotokea inatoa fursa kwa walinzi mtandao kutambua maeneo hatarishi na kuweza kudhibiti ipasavyo ingawa, vita dhidi ya uhalifu mtandao imeendelea kuonekana ngumu kutokana na uhaba wa nguvu kazi watu.


The internet has become permeated many areas of our lives. And now in a bid to monitor what goes in and out of their countries through this entity; many governments are coming up with laws to monitor what is going on with the internet content in their areas.

The latest is a law set to be drafted in Zambia that seeks to control "gossiping" in the country's online media.

This was reported recently by Global Voices Advocacy, a project of Global Voices Online that seeks to build a global anti-censorship network of bloggers and online activists dedicated to protecting freedom of expression online.

"The Zambian government is drafting a law intended to address online media and tackle internet abuse and cybercrime" said Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Bert Mushala while on a tour of media houses in the in the Copperbelt Province, about 400 km north of the capital, Lusaka. The PS made the announcement while in the company of Information Minister Dr Joseph Katema.

Dr. Joseph Katema
Joseph Katema, Information and Broadcasting minister, on his apart said: "It's the intention of the PF government to broaden the information base to reach out to the public. Government is cognisant of the information gap, that is why we are putting policies in place that support media growth."


Katika wiki chache zilizopita kulikuwa na msuguano kati ya serikali ya Marekani na China , Serikali ya Marekani inailaumu china kwa kufanya udukuzi kwenye kampuni zake na biashara nyingine huku china nayo ikiilaumu marekani taarifa juu ya hili inaweza kusomeka "HAPA" .

Uchina baada ya hali hiyo ikaamua kukataza matumizi ya windows 8 kwenye kompyuta zote za serikali na taasisi zote zinazopewa fedha na serikali ya nchi hiyo na hili linaweza kusomeka kwa kirefu na viambatanishi vingine "HAPA"

Serikali ya China na wataalamu wake kadhaa wanasema matumizi ya windows 8 ni hatari kwa usalama wao na ustawi wao , kwahiyo wamekataza na kuendelea kutengeneza program yao ya COS China Operating System kwa ajili ya matumizi ya serikali pamoja na taasisi zake .

Kwan nchi za ulaya suala kama hili liliwahi kutokea miaka kadhaa iliyopita , lakini umoja wa ulaya ulienda mahakamani na mahakama ikaamua Microsoft itoe source code kwa umoja wa ulaya ili waweze kubadilisha na kuweka mambo yao kwa maslahi ya umoja wa ulaya .

Kitu kikubwa ambacho serikali ya uchina inalalamikia kuhusu Windows 8 ni hii source code, serikali ya china inataka source code ya bidhaa hii ili iweze kuifanyia mabadiliko iendane na maslahi yake haswa kwenye mambo ya ulinzi na usalama .

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers
Cybersecurity threats are a vital issue for the nation, and like the Defense Department, businesses must own the problem to successfully carry out their missions, DOD’s top cybersecurity expert told a forum of businesspeople.

Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency and chief of the Central Security Service, at Bloomberg Government’s Cybersecurity Summit in Washington, June 3, 2014.

Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency and chief of the Central Security Service, addressed cybersecurity concerns in an interview with Trish Regan of Bloomberg Television at Bloomberg Government’s Cybersecurity Summit.

Corporations must successfully deal with cybersecurity threats, because such threats can have direct impacts on business and reputation, Rogers told the business audience.
“You have to consider [cybersecurity threats] every bit as foundational as we do in our ability to maneuver forces as a military construct,” he said.

Monday, 9 June 2014


Bwana. Keriako Tobiko
Mkurugenzi wa Mashtaka ya umma ya nchini Kenya Bwana. Keriako Tobiko ametangaza kuanzishwa kwa kitengo maalumu kitakacho pambana na  uhalifu mtandao katika ofisi yake. Amedai hatua hii imefikiwa kutokana na kuongezeka kwa idadi ya uhalifu unaofanywa na wahalifu wenye uelewa wa teknolojia.

"Kwa mtazamo wa kuongezeka kwa uhalifu wa mtandao, Ofisi ya Mkurugenzi wa Mashtaka wa Umma (ODPP) imeanzisha kitengo maalumu kusimamia mashtaka ya wahalifu wa mtandao," Tobiko alisema, kwa mujibu wa The Standard la Kenya.

Takwimu zinaonyesha Kenya inapoteza kiasi cha shilingi bilioni 2 (Dola milioni 23.3) kwa mwaka kupitia uhalifu wa mtandao." Aliongeza Bwana Tobiko.

Hata hivyo, alisema, jitihada za kuwakamata na kuwashitaki watuhumiwa zimekua ngumu kutokana na ukosefu wa sheria zinazofaa, zikiwaacha huru wahalifu kufanya uhalifu wa mtandao ambao unatishia usalama wa taifa, miundombinu ya teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano pamoja na haki ya usiri wa raia.

"Kwa kutambua kwamba kwa sasa kuna sheria zisizotosheleza za kushtaki uhalifu wa mtandao, ODPP imeandaa warsha ya kupitia upya sheria zilizopo na kuandaa rasimu ya mswada wa kina kuhusu uhalifu wa mtandao kulingana na taratibu husika za kimataifa zinazofaa," Tobiko alisema, akiongeza kwamba matumaini ya kuwa na mswada wa kina wa uhalifu wa mtandao yatakamilika mwaka huu.

Sunday, 8 June 2014


Home Secretary Theresa May's
Home Secretary Theresa May's legislative programme was announced in the Queen's Speech on Wednesday, with the Serious Crime Bill one of the changes being introduced with an eye on tackling corrupt accountants, solicitors and even cyber-criminals by giving courts tougher judicial powers.
In particular, the changes will allow police to seize assets from convicted gang bosses and will widen the punishment for so-called ‘Mr Big' criminals who often partake in criminal activity without hands-on involvement. This crime-by-association offence will carry up to five years' imprisonment.

The bill, the full details of which can be found on the "GOV.UK WEBSITE", details further sanctions for those possessing paedophile 'manuals' and extra reach for the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, and also grants extra powers on cyber policing.
One of the changes, for instance, stipulates that the government would amend the Computer Misuse Act 1990 to “ensure sentences for attacks on computer systems fully reflect the damage they cause.” This would ensure maximum jail sentences of up to 14 years for serious cyber-attacks.

Saturday, 7 June 2014


“Pale mtumia mtandao anapotumia Wi-Fi ilikupata intaneti anajiweka katika hali tativu  kiusalama mtandao zaidi ya Yule anae tumia mtandao unaotumia nyaya za intaneti – Kwa lugha ya kingereza, wireless LAN is more vulnerable to cyber-attacks compare to wired LAN” – Yusuph Kileo.

Haya niliyabainisha wakati nazungumzia changamoto mbali mbali tunazokumbana nazo za kiusalama mtandao kupitia matumizi yasiyo salama ya Wi-Fi yanayo endelea kushika kasi kaika maeneo mbali mbali hivi sasa.

Ninapozungumzia matumizi yasio salama, Namaanisha watumiaji wengi wa Wi-Fi wamekua wakipendelea sana kutumia huduma za Wi-Fi zilizoachwa huru (Hazi hitaji Maneno ya siri kuweza kutoa ruhusa kwa mtumiaji kuzitumia) wanapokua katika viwanja vya ndege, mahoteli na sehemu nyinginezo.


“Wireless LAN” au wengine hupenda kuita “Wi-Fi” zimekua na changamoto mbali mbali ikiwa ni pamoja na kuruhusu mtu yeyote kuzitumia, kuweza kusababisha taarifa zinazo safirishwa kuonekana na mtu mwingine na mara nyingi kutumika kusababisha uingiliwaji wa mifumo ya mitandao unaowea kufanywa na wahalifu mtandao.

Niliasa na kusisitiza elimu kutolewa zaidi maeneo mbali mbali juu ya matumizi salama ya mitandao isiyo hitaji nyaya maarufu kama “Wi-Fi” hii ikiwa ni pamoja na kujizuia  kutumia Wi-Fi zisizo hitaji maneno ya siri  kwani mtu yeyote anaweza kirahisi kuona kila kinachosafishwa na mtumiaji.


Mr. Kwesi Amissah-Arthur
Ghana Vice-President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur has urged ISPs to put in place effective measures to combat internet fraud, amid rapidly increasingly cybercrime.

Ghana is currently ranked second in Africa behind Nigeria in terms of cybercrime. Cameroon is third.
In Ghana cybercrime is called “Sakawa” and it is claiming victims almost every week.

“Ghana cybercriminals are young (21-35 years of age), highly IT skilled, agile and technologically alert, and thought to be operating inside the country but also moving swiftly across the sub-region, leaving a trail of destruction and tears” –  Issa Sikiti reported.

Cybercriminals steal more than US$600-million annually globally, and Ghanaians and Nigerians are said to be currently collaborating with powerful global syndicates to advance this white-collar crime on the continent.

At least 40% of the alleged cybercriminals arrested in Ghana are Nigerians and 38% are Ghanaians, with the nationalities of Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire and Togo completing the list, the Journal of Information Technology Impact said, citing police statistics.

The Ghanaian government is not only worried about the involvement of young people in this crime, but also about the negative publicity emanating from the country’s ‘comfortable’ position in global cybercrime.
Ghana Vice-President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur last week urged internet service providers (ISPs) to put in place effective measures to combat internet fraud, which he said was tarnishing the country’s image in the eyes of the international community.

Friday, 6 June 2014


Polisi Wa  kuzuia uhalifu Mtandao.
Wakala unaofuatilia matumizi ya mitandao duniani (IAB) umebaini watumiaji wa intaneti nchini Kolombia wamekua ni asilimia 70 ya wakazi milioni 47 wa nchi hiyo huku ikibainishwa ya kuwa nchi hiyo ukuaji wa uhalifu mtandao umeendelea kukua kwa zaidi.

Mwaka 2011 Kolombia ilikua Nchi ya kwanza kuanzisha sera ya usalama mitandao katika ukanda wan chi za latini amerika kupitia baraza la taifa la nchini humo linaloshughulikia maswala ya sera za uchumi na kijamii (COMPES).

Kupitia Sera hiyo, Paliundwa kikundi kinachoshughulikia maswala ya mitandao kilicho unganishwa moja kwa moja na wizara ya ulinzi pamoja na polisi wa nchini humo kupitia kitengo kinachojiusisha na maswala ya ulinzi mtandao.

Pamoja Na jitada zote hizo bado nchi hiyo imeendelea kukumbwa na mamia ya uhalifu mtandao unaofanywa dhidi ya raia wake na serikali ya nchi hiyo na ndipo palipo anzishwa misheni inayotoa misaada ya kiufundi ya usalama mitandao jijini Bogota nchini humo.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


The 12th annual survey of cybercrime trends found that online attackers determined to break into computers, steal information and interfere with business are more technologically advanced than those trying to stop them.

The survey was cosponsored by business consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC), the U.S. Secret Service, the CERT Division of Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute and CSO security news magazine.

Three out of four respondents said they had detected a security breach in the last year, and the average number of security intrusions was 135 per organization, the survey found.

"Despite substantial investments in cybersecurity technologies, cybercriminals continue to find ways to circumvent these technologies in order to obtain sensitive information that they can monetize," Ed Lowery, who heads the U.S. Secret Service's criminal investigative division, said in a written statement.

Lowery said companies and the government need to take "a radically different approach to cybersecurity," which goes beyond antivirus software, training employees, working closely with contractors and setting up tighter processes.

The top five cyberattack methods reported in the survey were malware, phishing, network interruption, spyware and denial-of-service attacks. And 28 percent of respondents said the attackers were insiders, either contractors or current and former employees or service providers, according to the survey.

Former CIA director Leon Panetta, now with the Panetta Institute for Public Policy, is weighing in."We're living at a time when I've always believed that the battlefield of the future is going to be in cyberspace," Panetta said. "This is an area that I think represents one of the key threats in the 21st century that we're going to have to pay attention to."

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Uhalifu mtandao umeendelea kukua kwa kasi katika maeneo mbali mbali duniani. Hii imepelekea Microfoft kuanzisha kitengo maalumu kitakacho ongeza uwezo wa kukabiliana na usalama mtandao kama inavyosomeka kwenye taarifa ya kingereza inayosomeka "HAPA".

Wakati huo huo takwimu zilizo tolewa na Idara ya upelelezi kupitia kitengo cha kukabiliana na uhalifu mtandao ya nchini Sirilanka zimeonyesha ukuaji wa makosa hayo katika nchi hiyo yameendelea kukukua kwa kasi. Takwimu hizo zinapatikana katika tovuti yao inayosomeka "HAPA".

Pamoja na nguvu kubwa ya mapambano dhidi ya uhalifu mtandao bado changamoto kubwa hasa katika nchi za afrika imekua ni upungufu wa sharia zinazoweza kuwafanya wahalifu kuchukuliwa hatua stahiki pale inapothibitika uhalifu mtandao kufanyika.

Nchi mbali mbali zimeendelea kuboresha sharia zao na kuzifanya kua kali zaidi ili kuweza kuhimili vishindo vya wahalifu mtandao ambapo wanaonekana kushika kasi ya kipekee. Moja ya nchi hizo ni hapa kwetu TANZANIA.

Prof. Makame Mbarawa
Wizara ya mawasiliano, sayansi na teknolojia imekamilisha rasimu ya miswadada mitatu ya sharia za usalama wa mtandao ili kudhibiti uhalifu katika mitandao nchini Tanzania.

Akiwasilisha makadirio ya bajeti ya wizara hiyo, Waziri profesa makame Mbarawa alitaja miswada hiyo kuwa ni sharia ya usalama wa mtandao, sharia ya kulinda taarifa binafsi, sharia miamala ya kielektoniki na sharia ya kudhibiti uhalifu mtandao na komputa.